
Submission of Periodic Reporting by Investment Advisers



All Registered Investment Advisers                                                           

 Sub: Submission of Periodic reporting by Investment Advisers

This is with respect to the SEBI Circular Ref. no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD2/CIR/2024/38 dated 7th May 2024 and our circular no. 20240508-1 dated 8th May 2024 in the captioned matter.   

It may be noted that portal for uploading the submissions is under development which will facilitate seamless submission through a pre validated excel file. The pre validated excel file shall be available from 14th June, 2024 in RIA Member login on www.bseasl.com (BASL website).  

In the meantime, the information can be kept ready in the draft excel format attached as Annexure 1.  

The process of the final data submission will be as under: –

  1. Login to the BASL website through RIA Member login id.
  2. Download the pre validated file.
  3. Fill in the data.
  4. Validate the data and file.
  5. Once the file is validated, upload the file in the tab provided in the portal.

The manual for the above process will be intimated through a separate circular and all members of BASL as on 31st March, 2024 are required to submit the data by 29th June 2024.    

All Investment Advisers are requested to take note and comply.   

For and on behalf of BSE Administration & Supervision Ltd.

Neeky Subramaniam                                                     Diksha Jha                           

Associate Manager                                                        Senior Officer

Annexure I