
Disclosure of Track Record of the public issues managed by Merchant Bankers



CIR/MIRSD/1/2012                                                                      January 10, 2012


To All SEBI Registered Merchant Bankers



Dear Sir/ Madam,


Sub: Disclosure of Track Record of the public issues managed by Merchant Bankers


  1. SEBI regulations require that the offer document shall contain adequate disclosures so as to enable investors to take well informed investment decisions. Further, a merchant banker is required to exercise due diligence and satisfy himself about all the aspects of the issue including the veracity and adequacy of disclosures in the offer documents.
  2. Therefore, it is necessary for investors to evaluate the post-issue performance of the issuer in terms of disclosures made in the offer documents. This will also enable them to understand the level of due diligence exercised by the merchant bankers. 
  3. In view of the above, it has now been decided in consultation with the merchant bankers that they shall disclose the track record of the performance of the public issues managed by them. The track record shall be disclosed for a period of three financial years from the date of listing for each public issue managed by the merchant banker. The format for disclosure of track record is given in the Annexure to this circular.
  4. The track record shall be disclosed on the website of the merchant banker and a reference to this effect shall be made in the offer documents of public issues managed in the future. In case more than one merchant banker is associated with a public issue, all merchant bankers who have signed the due diligence certificate, as disclosed in the offer document, shall disclose the track record.
  5. The circular shall be applicable for the public issues listed from the date of this circular, with immediate effect. However, in case of past public issues managed during the last three years, the track record as specified in Clause 3 above shall be disclosed latest by March 31, 2012. 
  6. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
  7. This circular is available on SEBI website (sebi.gov.in) under the categories “Legal Framework” and “Circulars”.


Yours faithfully,



Deputy General Manager

Tel. No: 022-26449220

Email id: [email protected]

Equity Issues

A. For Equity Issues             
    Name of the issue:         
1Type of  issue (IPO/ FPO)             
2Issue size (Rs crore)             
3Grade of issue alongwith name of the rating agency           
4Subscription level (number of times). If the issue was undersubscribed, please clarify how the funds were arranged.       
5QIB holding (as a % of total outstanding capital) as disclosed to stock exchanges (See Clause 35 of the listing agreement)      
 (i) allotment in the issue             
 (ii) at the end of the 1st Quarter immediately after the listing of the issue          
 (iii) at the end of 1st FY             
 (iv) at the end of 2nd FY             
 (v) at the end of 3rd FY             
6Financials of the issuer (as per the annual financial results submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 41 of the listing agreement)     
    (Rs. in crores)          
 Parameters1st FY2nd FY3rd FY          
 Income from operations             
 Net Profit for the period             
 Paid-up equity share capital             
 Reserves excluding revaluation reserves             
7Trading status in the scrip of the issuer (whether frequently traded (as defined under Regulation 2 (j) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011)  or infrequently traded/ delisted/ suspended by any stock exchange, etc.)     
 (i) at the end of 1st FY             
 (ii) at the end of 2nd FY             
 (iii) at the end of 3rd FY             
8Change, if any, in directors of issuer from the disclosures in the offer document (See Clause 30 of the listing agreement)     
 (i) at the end of 1st FY             
 (ii) at the end of 2nd FY             
 (iii) at the end of 3rd FY             
9Status of implementation of project/ commencement of commercial production (as submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 41 (IV) (e) of the listing agreement)     
 (i) as disclosed in the offer document            
 (ii) Actual implementation             
 (iii) Reasons for delay in implementation, if any            
10Status of utilization of issue proceeds (as submitted to stock exchanges under Clauses 41, 43 and 43A of the listing agreement)     
 (i) as disclosed in the offer document            
 (ii) Actual utilization             
 (iii) Reasons for deviation, if any            
11Comments of monitoring agency, if applicable (See Regulation 16 of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 read with Clause 43A of the listing agreement)     
 (a) Comments on use of funds            
 (b) Comments on deviation, if any, in the use of proceeds of the issue from the objects stated in the offer document       
 (c) Any other reservations expressed by the monitoring agency about the end use of funds         
 (To be submitted till the time the issue proceeds have been fully utilised)          
12Price- related data              
 Issue price (Rs):             
 Price parametersAt close of listing dayAt close of 30th calendar day from listing dayAt close of 90th calendar day from listing dayAs at the end of 1st FY after the listing of the issueAs at the end of 2nd FY after the listing of the issueAs at the end of 3rd FY after the listing of the issue 
 Closing priceHigh (during the FY)Low (during the FY)Closing priceHigh (during the FY)Low (during the FY)Closing priceHigh (during the FY)Low (during the FY) 
 Market Price             
 Index (of the Designated Stock Exchange):             
 Sectoral Index (mention the index that has been considered and reasons for considering the same)             
13Basis for Issue Price and Comparison with Peer Group & Industry Average (Source of accounting ratios of peer group and industry average may be indicated; source of the accounting ratios may generally be the same, however in case of different sources, reasons for the same may be indicated)     
 Accounting ratioName of companyAs disclosed in the offer document (See Clause (2) (VII) (K) of Schedule VIII to SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009)At the end of 1st FYAt the end of 2nd FYAt the end of 3rd FY        
 Peer Group:            
 Industry Avg:            
 Peer Group:            
 Industry Avg:            
 Peer Group:            
 Industry Avg:            
 NAV per share based on balance sheetIssuer:            
 Peer Group:            
 Industry Avg:            
14Any other material information            
Note:(i) Merchant Banker can give its comments on any of the above sections          
 (ii) Merchant Banker may obtain information/ clarification from the issuer or stock exchange, wherever felt necessary       
 (iii) In case any of the above reporting dates happens to be a holiday, the immediately following working day may be taken       

Debt Issues

B. For Debt Issues        
    Name of the issue:    
1Type of  issue        
2Issue size (Rs crore)        
3Rating of instrument alongwith name of the rating agency       
 (i) as disclosed in the offer document        
 (ii) at the end of 1st FY        
 (iii) at the end of 2nd FY        
 (iv) at the end of 3rd FY        
4Whether the security created is adequate to ensure 100% asset cover for the debt securities (See Regulation 26 (6) of SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008)
5Subscription level (number of times). If the issue was undersubscribed, please clarify how the funds were arranged.
6Financials of the issuer (as per the annual financial results submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 29 of the listing ageement for debt securities)
    (Rs. in crores)     
 Parameters1st FY2nd FY3rd FY     
 Income from operations        
 Net Profit for the period        
 Paid-up equity share capital        
 Reserves excluding revaluation reserves        
7Status of the debt securities (whether traded, delisted, suspended by any stock exchange, etc.)
 (i) at the end of 1st FY        
 (ii) at the end of 2nd FY        
 (iii) at the end of 3rd FY        
8Change, if any, in directors of issuer from the disclosures in the offer document
 (i) at the end of 1st FY        
 (ii) at the end of 2nd FY        
 (iii) at the end of 3rd FY        
9Status of utilization of issue proceeds (as submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 19A of the listing agreement for debt securities)
 (i) as disclosed in the offer document        
 (ii) Actual utilization        
 (iii) Reasons for deviation, if any        
10Delay or default in payment of interest/ principal amount (See Regulation 23 (5) of the SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008 and Clause 19 (l) of the listing agreement for debt securities) (Yes/ No) (If yes, further details of the same may be given)
 (i) Disclosures in the offer document on terms of issue       
 (ii) Delay in payment from the due date        
 (iii) Reasons for delay/ non-payment, if any       
11Any other material information        
Note:(i) Merchant Banker can give its comments on any of the above sections      
 (ii) Merchant Banker may obtain information/ clarification from the issuer or stock exchange, wherever felt necessary